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The word heard


As Ateliers Loire has found, there are traditional stained glass techniques (such as lead, slab glass, etc.). However, a new technique has developed: fusing.

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Focus on a manufacturer: EFJM

Since its origins in 1967, EFJM is a French company whose activities have been rooted in the field of high-tech elastomers.

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ATHENA workshop held in Orléans on March 15 and 16, 2023

On March 15 and 16, a workshop on multimaterials in extreme conditions was organized on the initiative of MATEX and LE STUDIUM Loire Valley. 17 colleagues working on materials under extreme conditions, from 5 ATHENA universities as well as researchers involved in the MATEX program took part in this event.

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Honoring Guillaume Nataf

Project title: Ferroic materials for dynamic heat flow control

Combating climate change is one of society's most pressing challenges, and requires research into new energy recovery and conversion devices.

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Honoring Audrey Tixier

We'd like to congratulate Audrey Tixier, currently a Post Doc at CEMHTI in the MATEX CERAVI project with Avignon Ceramic. She has won the 2023 French Ceramics Group (GFC) prize for best thesis at the GFC annual conference, to be held in Limoges from March 21 to 23, 2023.

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Call for proposals

Call for Doctoral Network projects

This year, 2023, the International Group of PREDA MATEX aims to submit a Doctoral Network project.

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