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Focus on an Industrial Partner: MBDA
MBDA is an industrial company in the aerospace and defense industry, being a European leader in the design of missiles and missile systems.
Focus on a Laboratory: CEMHTI
Extreme Conditions and Materials: High Temperature and Irradiation
This laboratory aims to understand the physico-chemical properties of materials under extreme conditions, based on a better description of their atomic-scale structures, both in the solid and molten states.
The word heard: Nexialism
Nexialism refers to a method of articulating knowledge in a composite way to find original solutions to problems and explore new paths, such as the creation of new technologies by integrating various pre-existing elements.
Focus on a Partner: Polymeris
With 15 years of expertise and experience in supporting businesses, Polymeris has an in-depth knowledge of emerging techniques and markets.
Martin Depardieu, R&D Manager at Decor World Service (DWS), a 15-person company based at Lab’O, specializing in laser engraving of luxury products.
Focus on an Industrial Partner: LASALYS
Innovation in the field of materials, their development, and their conditions of use continues to evolve to achieve ever-increasing performance and resistance. Laboratoire Lasalys in Orléans