FCE project

Development and optimization of usage properties of lead-free piezoelectric ceramics sintered by Spark Plasma Sintering

The aim of the project is to master the manufacture of materials in ceramic form, obtained by Spark Plasma Sintering compared with conventional sintering, with sample sizes compatible with industrial-scale transducer manufacturing processes. The challenge is to develop lead-free piezoelectric materials, which are currently widely used and which the European ROHs and international REACH standards aim to eradicate from devices.

Background and partnership

With lead becoming a thing of the past in the design of piezoelectric materials, there is an urgent need to find a competitive and innovative alternative. These materials, which have the property of converting electrical energy into mechanical energy and vice-versa, are becoming increasingly widespread in the technologies that surround us (automotive, home automation, medical imaging, actuator sensors, sonar, etc.). The material most commonly used to manufacture the piezoelectric element is PbZrTiO3 (PZT), which incorporates a large amount of lead. However, lead can be highly toxic, particularly at the end of the device's life (soil and water pollution, with a risk to health (lead poisoning) and the environment). The project developed at GREMAN (UMR 7347-Université de Tours-CNRS-INSA CVL), in partnership with Vermon (Tours), focuses on lead-free ceramics used in the manufacture of ultrasound probes and sensors for medical imaging and non-destructive testing.


Objectifs scientifiques

Scientifiquement, ce projet a pour objectif, à la lumière des résultats intéressants déjà obtenus grâce au frittage par Spark Plasma Sintering et des connaissances acquises au laboratoire GREMAN sur le composé (K,Na)NbO3,qui présente de grande similitudes avec PZT, de produire des échantillons de plus grande taille, de les évaluer et de les caractériser totalement (structure, microstructure, propriétés ferroélectriques et piézoélectriques), afin de réaliser des éléments intégrables dans des transducteurs et pouvant répondre à différentes demandes pour des applications spécifiques.

Project partner
Academic laboratories

GREMAN – CNRS / University of Tours / INSA Centre Val de Loire

CEMHTI – CNRS / Orléans

ICMN – CNRS / University of Orléans

Industrial partner

Vermon, Tours (37)


210k€ over 3 years

from regional funds (ARD CVL)


1 Research engineer
on fixed-term contract for 24 months,

1 Master's trainee (2023)


Isabelle Monot-Laffez isabelle.laffez@univ-tours.fr