
The word heard: 'Young Researchers'

The concept of a 'young doctor' is primarily defined by the Research Tax Credit (CIR) scheme.

Indeed, according to the CIR, a young doctor must mainly meet 2 criteria:

  • Firstly, they must be a doctor, i.e., a person holding a doctorate in science (or equivalent PhD in the international sense).

In this context, holders of a 'Doctorate of State,' such as doctors in medicine, pharmacy, or veterinary studies, are excluded from the concept of a young doctor. Upon successful completion of their thesis defense, the doctorate then acquires the status of a young doctor.

  • The second criterion for eligibility for the status of a young doctor corresponds to the signing of the first permanent contract (CDI) after the thesis: what tax regulations refer to as the first recruitment.

Thus, a doctor who, after completing their thesis, has undertaken various assignments on a temporary or fixed-term contract, such as postdoctoral contracts, for example, will still be considered a young doctor until they sign their first permanent contract (CDI) or a permanent position in academic research or abroad.

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