
Honoring Audrey Tixier

We'd like to congratulate Audrey Tixier, currently a Post Doc at CEMHTI in the MATEX CERAVI project with Avignon Ceramic. She has won the 2023 French Ceramics Group (GFC) prize for best thesis at the GFC annual conference, to be held in Limoges from March 21 to 23, 2023.

Her thesis was entitled: "Formulation and modeling of the shaping of SiC-based refractory tiles for waste-to-energy units". It was a CIFRE thesis with BONY and in collaboration with VEOLIA environnement.

Thesis supervisors: François Valdivieso - Georges Friedel Laboratory (LGF), Mines de St Étienne & Emmanuel de Bilbao - CEMHTI, CNRS, Univ. Orléans.

Co-supervisor : Patrick Ganser (LGF) & Jacques Poirier (CEMHTI)

She will represent the French ceramics scientific community at the XVIIIth European Ceramic Society Conference (ECERS) in Lyon, France, July 2-6, 2023

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